It’s heartbreaking to live a dark & lonely life bearing the physical pain and mental sorrow of diseases that have no cure, leaving us feeling miserable all the time even in our old age. An unexpected accident or a misfortune which catches us off guard would blot out the dreams not merely of a person, but of the whole family.
Those who are bed-ridden have now only one hope: to stand up all alone and walk without help. Many of them could do that if they are given physiotherapy and auxiliary training. That most of the people whom Thanal gave regular training could walk unaided in three months still motivates us, greatly. The number of people who are paralyzed below their waist and seek our help is too many to even consider. There is no other way before us than expanding ourselves by size.
Thanal believes in the dreams of such people. Paraplegia centres have been started to try to give life to such dreams.